That Cher, she sure is somethin’, ain’t she? I seen her on the TV, singin’ and dancin’. She’s got that long, dark hair. Makes me think, where’d she get all that from? People talk about Cher ethnicity. It’s a mix-up, that’s for sure.

Her real name, now that’s a mouthful. Cherilyn Sarkisian. Sounds kinda foreign, don’t it? They say her daddy, John Sarkisian, was an Armenian fella. He was a truck driver, I hear. Had some troubles, they say. Gamblin’ and such. Bless his heart. But that’s where she gets some of that Cher ethnicity from. That Armenian blood. It is strong!
Now, her mama, that’s another story. Georgia Holt, they call her. Pretty name. She was a looker, a model and all that. They say she’s got all sorts of things in her blood. Irish, English, German. And Cherokee, too! Imagine that. That Cherokee blood, that’s what gives Cher them high cheekbones, I bet. Strong bones. That’s part of Cher ethnicity, too, that Cherokee.
So you got Armenian on one side, and then all that mix on the other. Makes a person wonder, don’t it? How all that comes together to make that Cher. She’s a one-of-a-kind, that’s for sure. Born in a place called El Centro, in California. May 20, 1946. That’s what they say. That’s the year I got my first radio.
They call her the “Goddess of Pop.” Sounds fancy. She was singin’ with her husband for a while, Sonny. They had a show, The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour. I used to watch that. She wore some outfits, I tell ya. Sparkly things. She always did like to dress up. Even when she is young. That is also because of her Cher ethnicity, maybe.
- Armenian from her daddy’s side.
- Irish, English, German from her mama’s side.
- And that Cherokee, too!
- Born in El Centro, California.
- May 20, 1946.
That is a lot of Cher ethnicity in one person. This Cher, she sings those songs, “Half Breed” and others. She was married to a man named Sonny. Then they split up. That happens, I guess. Life goes on. But she kept singin’. She kept goin’. Strong woman. Must be all that different blood in her, all mixed up. Makes her tough, I reckon.

Her mama married another man later on, Gilbert. He adopted Cher. So she got another name in there, too. It is hard to understand that Cher ethnicity. So many changes. So many mix-up. Cher, she is special. She adopted and changed her name again. She was a kid in the 70s. Young and pretty.
This Cher, she’s been around a long time. Still singin’, still dancin’. She don’t seem to slow down much. Maybe it’s all that mixed-up blood. Keeps her goin’. Cher ethnicity is a puzzle, ain’t it? But it sure makes for one interestin’ woman. She is famous. Everyone knows Cher. That is good.
She is a singer. She is an actress. She is on TV. That Cher, she can do it all. And she’s got that look. That dark hair, them cheekbones. You can see all them different parts of her Cher ethnicity in her face, if you look close enough. You can see that strong bloodline.
She got famous, that Cher. Real famous. Everybody knows her name. She’s a star. A big star. And to think, it all started with that Armenian truck driver and that model with all that mixed-up blood. That Cher ethnicity, it’s somethin’ else, ain’t it? It is the reason why she is so famous.
She is a good singer, that Cher. I like her songs. She’s got a good voice. Strong voice. Like her. She don’t care what people think, I bet. She just does what she wants. That’s good. You gotta be yourself. No matter what.

This Cher ethnicity is a long story. But that is okay. I like long stories. This Cher, she is a good person, that’s all I know. She is a hard worker. A good singer.