Okay, so I wanted to mess around with “bo build” today, and let me tell you, it was a bit of a journey. I’m not gonna lie, I’m still pretty new to this, so I figured I’d document my whole process, bumps and all.

Getting Started
First things first, I needed to, you know, actually get bo. I already had Go installed on my system, because, well, who doesn’t these days? So I went and did the usual
After that, I created a new directory for this experient. let’s named it ‘my-bo-project’.
Building Something…Anything!
My initial goal was just to build something. I didn’t even care what. I found some basic “Hello, World!” example floating and created a simple ‘*’.
I saved that bad boy, then in command line,I changed the directory into ‘my-bo-project’. I typed in
bo build
…and boom, nothing broke! I mean, it felt pretty anti-climactic. I just got a new executable file named ‘my-bo-project’ in the same directory. But hey, it worked!

Experimenting with Flags
Next, I wanted to see what else I could do. I poked around the very little documentation I could find, and played with some flags. I tried:
bo build -o differentName
And that’s pretty simple. It built the executable and named it ‘differentName’.It’s not rocket science, but it’s good to know it’s there.
Realizations and Next Steps
Honestly, this whole “bo build” thing seems super basic so far. It does what it says on the tin – it builds your Go code. I guess the real power comes when you’re working on a larger project, maybe with multiple packages or when you need to cross-compile for different operating systems.
For now, I’m just happy I got a basic build working. I think my next step is to try building something a little more complex, maybe a simple web server or something. And I definitely need to dive deeper into the bo documentation . Wish me luck!