Alright, so I decided it was time to get Changli properly upgraded. You know how it is, you get a new character you like, and then comes the grind to actually make them useful. That was me with Changli.

First thing I did was just open up her character screen. Had to figure out exactly what stuff she needed for ascensions and talents. It listed a few things, some boss materials, some local specialties, the usual stuff.
Getting Started: The Checklist
I basically made a mental checklist, or maybe I scribbled it down, can’t remember exactly. It was something like:
- Boss drops from that fiery bird thing.
- Those specific red flower things scattered around.
- Enemy drops, the standard insignia-type items.
- And of course, tons of Shell Credits. Always need those.
Okay, seemed straightforward enough. Famous last words, right?
The Actual Hunt
First, I tackled the boss. Had to fight that Inferno Rider boss, I think it’s called? Man, that fight took a few tries to get the hang of. Dodging those big fire attacks isn’t my strong suit. But okay, did that a bunch of times using up my resin, or whatever they call the energy here. Got a decent pile of its drops eventually.
Next up were those local specialties, the Coriolus. These were kind of spread out. I pulled up one of those fan-made maps online – wait, no, the instructions said no links or mentioning specific sites. Okay, scratch that. I just ran around the areas the game vaguely pointed to. Found a good route near the Tiger’s Maw Mine, mostly up on the cliffs and structures there. Took a while to collect enough because you gotta wait for them to respawn. That was a bit tedious, just running in circles every couple of days.

Then came the enemy drops. Those Howler Cores or whatever they’re called. Needed a ton of these, from basic green ones up to the fancy purple ones. This meant finding spots where lots of those wolf-like Tacet Discord enemies hang out and just clearing them out. Over and over. Found a few good farming spots, just marked them on my map and did loops. It wasn’t hard, just repetitive. Put on some music and zoned out mostly.
Putting It All Together
After a few days of focusing on these things, checking off the boss runs, the flower picking routes, and the enemy grinding spots, I finally had a decent stash. Went back to Changli’s screen.
Started clicking that upgrade button. Ascension level up, cool. Talents next. Click, click, click. Watched the numbers go up. It felt pretty good, seeing her stats climb after all that running around.
Still need more for the higher levels, obviously. The grind never really ends. But for now, she’s way more powerful than before. Took a bit of effort, maybe more time than I’d like to admit, but got it done. Now I can actually use her effectively in my team, which was the whole point.